Hollis and Thorne Bay Light up their Town with Christmas Lights - P.O.W. Report

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Hollis and Thorne Bay Light up their Town with Christmas Lights

Hollis Lights at the Library

Bring your lights and help us light up the sky!

Hey Hollis... so much is different this year - our 2nd annual tree lighting and other holiday activities have been cancelled and now we we find ourselves on Solstice eve with a call for all of us to “light up the night.”

With this comes an idea for a new physically distanced tradition.... let’s light up Hollis for the holidays.

The library, school, and Cates house are lit up and we have started decorating our community garden. Lights are limited and there is no planned curated display, but we know with a slew of more lights and colors, we can light up Hollis for not only the night, but also the season! 
So this is a call to all who wish to join in and help Hollis to light up the season!

We have extension cords out by the garden - anyone who has extra lights come down and add to the display!

Let’s see if we can bring some smiles and while we are at it, see it we can make downtown Hollis so bright they can see us from the International Space Station while bringing smiles to the kids of all ages in our community.

Thorne Bay Lights up the community 

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