Alaska Salmon Harvest Update #1 - P.O.W. Report

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Alaska Salmon Harvest Update #1

From the McDowell Group:

The 2020 Alaska salmon season is off to a slow start, but it is too early to draw any conclusions. In an average year less than 10% of the annual harvest occurs in May and June. Harvests typically expand modestly over the next two weeks before climbing sharply in early July.

Early season harvest figures are below historical averages. PWS is particularly slow with sockeye and Chinook landings down around 80% from the same time in 2019 and 70% lower than the 5-year average. Seine harvest of keta in PWS is running counter to this weakness with harvest roughly double the 5-year average. Cook Inlet fishing is slow compared to last year, but nearly equal to the 5-year average. Kodiak is also off to a slow start along with Alaska Peninsula & Aleutian Islands (Area M).

ADF&G is projecting a harvest of 132 million salmon in 2020, a level similar to other even-numbered years. The pink harvest is expected to be on the lower-end of recent even-numbered years. The projected sockeye harvest is below the 5-year average but higher than the 10-year average. Anticipated keta and coho harvests are nearly equal to the 5-year average, and the expected production of 320,000 Chinook would represent a third year of increasing catch if realized.

ADF&G uses number of fish to describe projected and in-season harvest. Because the average weight of salmon can change more than 15% year-to-year, a million fish in one year will produce a different amount of processed products than a million fish in another year. As possible, we will share commentary on average fish size throughout the season.

Up-to-date ADF&G salmon harvest data is available here. This weekly email is produced by McDowell Group on behalf of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute. Please let us know if you would like to be removed from the distribution list.

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