City of Ketchikan Encourages Residents to Have Food and Medicine Stocked up for Two Weeks - P.O.W. Report

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

City of Ketchikan Encourages Residents to Have Food and Medicine Stocked up for Two Weeks



Date: March 2, 2020

Contact: Abner Hoage, Emergency Manager 225-9616

For Immediate Release

City and Borough representatives are working closely with State and local health care agencies to prepare for the evolving Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) threat. At this time, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ketchikan.

City Mayor Bob Sivertsen says “local entities are monitoring this threat closely and adjusting as new State and Federal guidelines are released.

Emergency response agencies have implemented updated 9-1-1 dispatch protocols based on Centers for Disease Control guidance, which means calls are now screened for potential Coronavirus.
PeaceHealth Medical Center has reviewed its procedures, trained staff and is screening patients for COVID-19.

Facilities with high public use, such as the Library, Transit, the Ketchikan International Airport and the Gateway Recreation and Aquatic Center, and Museum are reviewing and updating cleaning protocols to prevent the spread of germs.

In light of the Novel Coronavirus threat, local officials are working closely with Cruise Line Agencies of Alaska and Federal agencies in preparation for the upcoming tourist season.
Borough Mayor Rodney Dial is urging residents to make plans for Coronavirus.

“You should do your part to prepare your household for a disruptive event, which will in turn allow government to focus on the needs of the vulnerable populations that have a diminished ability to prepare,” he said. “Ultimately the only thing I am sure of is that Ketchikan will face any future difficulties together and will be just fine.”

Actions one may take to prepare and avoid illness include:
  •   Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  •   Avoid touching your eyes and mouth
  •   Stay home and keep children home when sick until you and/or your child have
    been fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of medication
  •   Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and dispose of the tissue appropriately
  •   Cough or sneeze into your elbow if no tissue is available
  •   Avoid other individuals who show signs of illness, including coughing or sneezing
  •   Routinely clean frequently touched objects
  •   If you think you have Coronavirus, call your doctor before seeking medical
  •   Ensure you have enough medicine and food for at least two weeks
  •   Plan for a possibility of school closures and get to know your neighbors
  •   Identify a room in your home to separate ill individuals from healthy
  •   If you do fall ill and live alone, keep in touch with family and friends by phone

Businesses are encouraged to have sick employees to stay home and to prepare for high levels of absenteeism. Businesses can help curb the spread of illness by routinely cleaning frequently touched surfaces and keeping soap and hand sanitizer on hand.

Additional resources on preventing the spread of COVID-19 can be found at the following Centers for Disease Control website: ncov/community/index.html

    Additional Comment from Dial:

    "Many of you know that I am in D.C. with Vice Mayor Pierce, advancing Borough issues. On Wednesday we will be at the Whitehouse for meetings with the Administration and meeting with FEMA and the Congressional Delegation on Thursday. I have received a number of concerns from locals regarding the Coronavirus and what local Government is doing to prepare.

    There is a fine line between “Fear mongering and adequately preparing”. Personally, I am not fearful, but believe in preparing to the to the best of our ability for life safety impacts to our community.
    The coronavirus has been a topic of discussion in local government and Emergency Services for weeks. In short, our EMS will address any coronavirus concerns in a manner similar to other infectious diseases such as T.B. Our hospital is prepared as are the myriad of other governmental agencies in Ketchikan.

    We will bring our concerns to our Whitehouse contacts, Congressional Delegation and State representatives and will ask for any assistance that may be needed, if needed.

    As Alaskans we have a long history of... and duty to be prepared to take care of ourselves and neighbors if necessary for all types of emergencies. All households should have at least two weeks of supplies on hand and 30 days if possible. As we have seen recently, our community food supply can be dramatically altered in a moment.

    You should do your part to prepare your household for a disruptive event, which will in turn allow government to focus on the needs of the vulnerable populations that have a diminished ability to prepare.

    Ultimately, the one thing I am sure of is that Ketchikan will face any future difficulties together and will stay strong."


    Editorial: For those that are panicked about the Corona Virus there is a question that you need to ask yourself, "How much do you trust the media?" If you are cautious of fake news and don't trust their honesty because of their actions in the past five years, why are you trusting them now that we should panic about the Corona-Chan

    Corona Chan will not kill you, it's just a flu. Don't take my word for it, just look at the numbers. More people have died from drinking Corona beer last year than from this flu globally. 

    Of course you should stock up on food and medicine, because that's ALWAYS a smart thing to have year round regardless of what's happening in the world. However, if you think back there's a 'virus' EVERY election year: 

    Corona has been around for ever, it's on every Lysol spray and wipes bottles, just take a look (it's on mine). The only fear this flu has created is an economic fear that threatens to shut down the global and local economies. That's what we should worry about, not about getting sick and dying, that's silly. 

    Of course the media is going to hype this virus, because it creates clicks and makes them more money.  They have a vested interest in making money by spreading fear porn. Speaking off, did you know there are pandemic bonds that people make money on????

    A group of unique bondholders will either reap massive profits or lose hundreds of millions of dollars as the coronavirus outbreak escalates.

    So-called "pandemic bonds" were first introduced by the World Bank in 2017 as a response to the Ebola virus. Investors holding the bonds enjoy higher-than-average interest rates, but stand to lose their cash in the event of a pandemic.

    If certain criteria are met, the bonds' principal is transferred to the World Bank's Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF) to fund containment and relief efforts. [...]

    The bank issued two tranches of pandemic-linked bonds and derivatives collectively worth $425 million in 2017. Bondholders enjoyed more than two years of strong returns and little to worry about as few outbreaks came close to triggering the bonds' total default.

    There's a lot of things behind the scenes that we are not aware of and governments around the world often use public hysteria to their advantage. For example, China had been dealing with Hong Kong protests for months and then this 'flu' broke out, the protests are broken up and conveniently their government now has an excuse to arrest the protest leaders for having the flu.

    The city of Ketchikan and Alaska HAS to make a public declaration on this for fear of lawsuits in case a 300 year old dies in their cabin from the flu and their kids try to sue.  However, the media will pick up this news and spread the fear even more. This public statement has everything to do with lawsuits and covering their ass legally. 

    Panic or don't panic, everyone catches the flu. This one isn't any different. Eat your vitamins and get your sleep and stop watching kung-flu fear porn. 

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