Well Ladies and Gentlemen...today marks the day for elections around the island and state wide!
POWReport has gathered the election candidates for Craig and Klawock and Thorne Bay. I'll post the respective reports in the short links that you may click or read in full below:
Tim O’Connor:
We have been working hard with changes and new projects in Craig for the past two years. If re-elected as mayor I will continue to work hard to keep our progress going for Craig and Prince of Wales.
Jan Trojan:
I have been a resident of Craig starting 2007 – moved 2008 til present. My first step if elected will be to remove healthcare benefits from the mayor position – until healthcare payments for officials is reasonable. My second step will be to mentor individuals in public service and to hopefully recruit more volunteers in city, where feasible. We have big projects ahead.
I will lean on community leaders/individuals to do the most with what we have. I am not a career politician. I want to retire. City of Craig needs to foster economic development, appreciate the businesses we have.
City Council (Two Three Year Seats)
Michael DouvilleNo info
Michael Kampnich:
Long term resident of Craig. Currently a member of the Harbor Advisory Committee. Worked for the city as past harbormaster and police officer. Want to continue to be involved in community.
Chanel McKinley:
I have lived, worked, and been a member of our community for all of my adult life. I really want the best for Craig.
Craig School Board (Two Three Year Seats)
Scott Brookshire:no info
Chrissy Torsey-Lucero:
I have called Craig my home since 1975 and I couldn’t think of a better place to raise my children than here. My husband and I have two children, our son is 21 and our daughter is 7. My roots run deep within this community and island and I am proud of both my Tlingit and Haida ancestry.
My interests are in learning more about native traditions so that we may continue to pass these on to our children. Other interests are hunting, hiking, kayaking and camping. If given the opportunity again, I will continue to be an advocate for all students of Craig City School District
Proposition 1-
Shall the City of Craig, Alaska increase its sales tax rate from five percent to six percent,
if the sales tax revenue generated by the rate increase is dedicated to funding the Craig Aquatic Center?
Rudolph Smith Jr
Stacey Skan
Donald J. Nickerson Jr [Read Don's interview here]
Helen Jackson
Council seats:
Patricia Cottle (Smith)
Brenda K. Leask
School Board:
Ruby Smith
Mary Edenshaw
Karen Cleary
Thorne Bay:
Seat A - 3-year term
Roger Longbotham:

In the early 90's I was a volunteer with the Wallowa County Search and Rescue. I was elected to serve as an officer.
As soon as we moved here, Patty and I knew we had found paradise. You walk outside and you are surrounded by towering trees and wildlife. We live where you can trust a community to keep an eye on your children and help you with projects that needs to be done. This makes it all worth living here and calling Thorne Bay home.
Now onto some of the less appealing things about Thorne Bay.
* The only jobs that are available are the lower paying jobs, unless you work for the city or forest service. It is very hard to find a living wage job here.
* With our current leadership, they all seem to lack a vision of what Thorne Bay could be and should be.
* Right now the way things are going with Thorne Bay, we are on a hasty decline if we sit back and do nothing.
* Case and point, look at our emergency services, Fire and EMS. We have equipment that is worn out and our emergency transportation is over an hour away. I personally want to thank all of the volunteers that have served in those areas. I appreciate all that you have done!
* Communications and roads were major concerns expressed by others to me, as with a lack of leadership being a real issue.
* We need strong leaders in this community. People who are willing to work hard to bring things together. We have such a beautiful community, divided by so much animosity. Why not be a unified community? One that is strong and resilient to last the test of time.
If elected, I will work for the citizens of Thorne Bay. I will be honored to serve, and not be a part time councilman. There is no doubt that I live in Thorne Bay and care about Thorne Bay.
Elect Roger Longbotham "for a greater Thorne Bay"
Raymond Slayton, raymondslayton@hotmail.com, (208) 916-6002
Did not respond for comment
Everett Cook:
Freshly graduated from high school in Thorne Bay, I married the love of my life and spent the next four years at a Wyoming College and graduated with a degree in Elementary Education and with all intention of moving back to the Island. Unfortunately teaching never panned out, but we still wanted to raise our two children in our hometown of Thorne Bay and moved back home in 2012.
I have worked a vareity of jobs from fast food and concrete to proof checker at first bank and fueling airlines at aero services. My passion has always been for people and I found myself most happy working in the schools and am currently employed with Community Connections in Thorne Bay.
Being invested and having history in Thorne Bay has driven me to ask myself what is wrong and how can we fix it. The world has its problems and we can do next to nothing about them. We move down and we see the problems with the State but we can't do much there either. Still noticing things that could be better at the local level, I felt inspired and more capable of making a difference.
It won't be fast and it won't be easy but we can make a difference if we work together. Be inspired to our potential and find new ways to thrive.
If you are in Thorne Bay and you're out and about on voting day, consider what you can do to help.
Seat B - 3-year term
Eric Rhodes:
Hi, I'm Eric Rhodes, 39 years old, born and raised on an island off the coast of North Carolina. I moved my homestead to Thorne Bay 7 years ago.
I'm sharp, honest and qualified but I need your help. What needs to change in Thorne Bay? Your thoughts matter!
It's your town, let me listen and help make things better. I'll do whatever it takes.
Risa Carlson
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Set C - 1-year term
Abbey Cook
At present, I live on Southside Thorne Bay with my husband Everett Cook and our two children Meliah and Auron.
As an Alaskan, I understand the need for equal representation and it's my belief that the way forward is with unity and not divison.
I believe in the power of the people and know that together, we can find solutions.
"One drop raises the sea."
I want your voices heard.
I would be honored to represent the residents of Thorne Bay.
Please come by Thorne Bay City Hall October 1st to cast your vote.
Thom Cunningham
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Rosalyn Hert
Did not respond for a comment
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