Derby Prizes:
1st Place $2,000
2nd Place $1,000
3rd Place $500
Grand Prize Raffle Drawing - $10,000
$30 Individual Tickets: Derby and Drawing
$20 Ticket: Grand Prize Drawing Only
All proceeds support Salmon Enhancement
Derby Rules
- Single ticket $30 covers raffle and derby. $20 ticket is raffle only.
- Grand drawing to be held at the Derby Dinner ($10 admission)
- NSF checks will disqualify the ticket holder
- Fishing areas: Cape Chacon to Point Baker, not west of Coronation on teh west side of POW Island
- Any fish caught outside the boundary and weighed for the derby will be disqualified, as well as the ticket holder
- All persons on board over 6 years of age must have a derby ticket, unless the boat is chartered in which the captain is excluded, unless the captain is fishing or non-fishing guests on board
- Ticket must be purchased prior to fishing. Each person is limited to one rod and reel. Tickets must be presented at weigh in.
- Contestants must hook and land fish unaided, except for netting of fish
- Entries must be caught according to Alaska sport fishing regulations. Contestants cannot enter a fish the same day that he or she has been on a commercial vessel.
- All members of the derby committee and City of Craig are eligible to participate in the derby.
- The City of Craig, along with the derby committee, and others participating in the sponsorship of this derby accept no responsibility for damages or injuries sustained by contestants. As a condition of, and in consideration of the acceptance of their entries therein, all contestants and their parents/guardians shall be deemed to agree and assume all risks of injury to teh competitor's property and person, resulting from, caused by, or connected with the conduct and management of the competition, and to release any and all claims which they may have against officials, the derby committee, and organizations that take part in the sponsorship of this derby. Participation accepted only on these conditions.
- Contestants are limited to one ladder prize per period
- Prizes in the price list must be accepted as offered, in the order won. Ties will split the sum of the prize.
- Prizes must be collected within 60 days after they are awarded
- The City of Craig is not responsible for unclaimed prizes
- IRS 1099 will be available for contestants accepting prizes valued at $600 or more. Winners will be subject to IRS regulations.
- Please contact the City of Craig at (907)826-3275 or with any questions: website
- City of Craig gaming permit #763
- Weigh-In stations at Petro and Black Bear
Tickets sold at the black Bear Store, Log Cabin Sporting goods, Petro Marine, JT Brown's, Alaska Gifts, AC Thompson House, many lodges, and Prince of Wales Chamber of Commerce.
Proceeds from the derby and raffle support the Port Saint Nicholas Hatchery.

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