Youth Leadership Updates from the POW Health Network - P.O.W. Report

Monday, June 24, 2019


Youth Leadership Updates from the POW Health Network

Ami the POW Health Network assistant gives an update on the progress, POW's Youth have made so far this summer:

On May 18th, the youths organized a United Island Recovery Festival. It was a completely free family event that was organized to celebrate the strength of overcoming addictions. Show of support at the event was family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. There were dances, speakers, arts, crafts, carnival games, prizes, food and the release of memorial chinese lanterns.

Addiction and recovery is something that the youths have become very active in on the island. They worked on the project with the Opioid Task Force for three months.

May 31st-June 2nd, The youth leadership organized a 3 day bike ride across the entire island from Hollis to Labouchere Bay as a fundraiser to help a local family. It was an extreme challenge for all of them as most hadn't ridden a bike in years, so there was a lot of sore butts and muscles--as well as the rain and bugs. They are still collecting the pledge donations, so I don't currently have the amount raised.

June 22nd, this meeting is one of several ongoing ones. Youth led projects for the youth's in our communities is the focus for this year. Naukati is the first community. They chose to improve their town by creating street signs, directional signs and landmark signs, for the marina, public beach, school, etc... None of which we have presently. They also cleaned up the sign at Naukati's turnoff, with gravel and weed eating. This is a large project and will most likely take most of the summer.

Whale Pass is the next community, and they have voted for the same sign project.









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