The following incidents were reported to and/or investigated by the Craig Police Department:
11:35am a 22yo female was arrested for VCOR
5:09pm A 30yo male was arrested for criminal mischief IV & MICS II
10:00pm A 35yo male was arrested for MISCS II
8:08am Craig EMS responded to the docks for a medical call. Matter resolved
10:47pm Officer responded to possible abandoned vehicle on PSN. Matter resolved
12:30pm Officer responded to traffic complaint in local business parking lot. Matter resolved
6:31pm Officer stopped a vehicle in SSTC for headlight out. Matter resolved
6:56pm A 34yo female was arrested on a warrant
7:55pm 38yo female was arrested on a warrant for disorderly conduct & hindering prosecution II
3:32am A 22yo male was arrested for criminal trespass I, attempted theft IV, & tampering with
physical evidence
3:01pm An officer responded to a suspicious person at a local business. Matter resolved
7:41pm An officer stopped a vehicle on CK Hwy for headlight out. Verbal warning given
7:53pm An officer stopped a vehicle for traffic offense, warning issued
7:54am An officer stopped a vehicle on CK Hwy for break light out. Verbal warning given
5:02pm An officer stopped a vehicle for manner of driving on CK Hwy. Verbal warning given
6:15pm An officer stopped a vehicle for headlight out on 6th St. Verbal warning given
8:10pm A 32yo male was arrested for Assault IV DV, Criminal Mischief V DV
12:40pm An officer responds to a motor vehicle accident in local business parking lot. Matter resolved
1:12pm Craig EMS responded to a residence on PSN for medical assistance. Matter resolved
January 20, 2019 to January 26, 2019 The following complaints were reported and Investigated by the Craig Police Department:
1 abandoned vehicles; 8 adult arrest; 10 agency assists; 1 animal reports; 0 assault; 0 bear complaints; 0 burglaries, 3 business assists; 5 citizen assists, 1 citations were issued; 0 criminal complaint; 0 criminal mischief; 0 criminal trespass, 0 disorderly conduct; 0 disturbances; 0 domestic dispute; 0 Domestic Violence Orders Served, 0 fire call, 0 found property, 0 harassments, 0 juvenile arrest; 0 juvenile complaints; 0 lost property; 2 medical call; 1 motor vehicle accidents; 0 noise complaints; 0 protective custodies; 0 subpoena served,1 summons served; 1 suspicious circumstances; 0 theft; 8 traffic complaints; 0 unsecured premise, 0 vehicle impounded, 0 verbal warnings and 2 welfare checks were given
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