Youth Leadership Update from the Whale Pass Trip - P.O.W. Report

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Youth Leadership Update from the Whale Pass Trip

Ami Eller writes:

We had an exceptionally good turn out for the Youth Leadership meeting that took place in Whale Pass on July 20th. We were joined by a leadership group that was visiting Hydaburg and we were able to give transportation for a few of the kids that live in Hydaburg to attend the event. With all the mentors and our youth, we had a group of almost 30!

We had an amazing day!

Our Leaders from Whale Pass gave us a tour of the area and the things that make it special to them. One of the things that they love about their town is the setting, the remoteness, and the general friendliness of the community members. They feel like a community center with a gym would be a great asset to Whale Pass, and it's something that they would like to learn how to pursue and turn into a reality.

  • JR from the Whale Pass fish processing plant was kind enough to give us a lengthy detailed tour of the facilities and the falls.

  • We visited the Petroglyph that was on the beach.
  • Drove to Exchange Cove where the kids all had a cookout and made their own fishing poles, hooks and spinners from pop cans, which they fished with. One of the girls was able to catch one and get it to the bank before it slipped off. But the rest of them had plenty of bites to keep them entertained and realize that in an emergency, a pop can hook will indeed catch a fish!

The team work was astounding! All of them are amazing kids with extreme determination.
Thank you to all the mentors who have taken their time, knowledge, and effort to help in making this a successful program! If you are interested in becoming a mentor for the program please email Ami at 

Just a reminder, there will be a Youth Meeting on the 10th at 9am-2pm in Klawock.

We will be meeting at the klawock senior center.
We will be berry picking and making jam so please dress accordingly. Please let Heidi or myself know if you will be needing a ride and we will do our best to get you here.

This program is sponsored by the Prince of Wales Health Network:

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