Janitorial Services for the DPH Craig Public Health Center - P.O.W. Report

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Janitorial Services for the DPH Craig Public Health Center


 The State of Alaska, Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health (DPH) is seeking letters of interest from qualified parties capable and interested in providing Janitorial services to the Craig Public Health Center  


Budget for this contract is $50,400.00 for one (1) initial contract term with three (3), one (1) yearlong renewal options.

Experience and Minimum Qualifications

COMMUNICATION: At least one person is on the job site that can speak and write English proficiently.

CONTRACTOR AND EMPLOYEE QUALIFICATIONS: The contractor, subcontractors, and all employees shall be capable, and experienced in the contract work performed.  They shall be free from communicable diseases.  The State may require removal of any worker from the work area whose continued presence is deemed contrary to the public or State’s best interests.

MINIMUM EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO PROVIDE SERVICES: The vacuum must be in good working condition, and are subject to inspection by the State.  The contractor must provide adequate backup equipment to assure all services are provided as scheduled.

•             One commercial, dual motored upright vacuum cleaner with at least 70 inches of static water lift equipped with beater brush, and attachments, or one commercial backpack vacuum cleaner with at least 90 inches of static water lift, and all attachments necessary to clean carpets, edges, and corners.

•             One commercial wet/dry vacuum cleaner with at least 90 inches of static water lift, minimum 10 gallon tank and equipped with attachments for vacuuming up stripper solution and/or water from floods.

•             All other tools, and equipment such as brooms, mops, buckets, sponges, etc., necessary to complete the tasks outlined in this RFQ.

•             One low speed floor machine (175 RPM) for striping/scrubbing floors.

•             One high-speed floor machine (1500 RPM or greater) for polishing floors.

•             One commercial grade carpet extractor, minimum 16 inch cleaning path and 8 gallon capacity.


How to Participate

Interested firms must indicate their interest by submitting an electronic response to the Procurement Specialist named below by 4pm, January 25th, January 2021. (.pdf format is preferable) with the following information:

  • Firm Name;

  • Individual authorized to sign contracts;

  • Mailing address;

  • Physical address;

  • Phone number;

  • Fax number;

  • Email address;

  • Address how applicant meets or exceeds the experience requirements;

  • Confirmation that the firm can provide the project deliverables within the budget and timeline provided

    This Request for Interest does not constitute a formal solicitation.  The State of Alaska is not responsible for any costs associated with the preparation of responses.  The issuance of the Request for Interest provides no guarantee that the State of Alaska will proceed with a formal solicitation. 

    Submit an electronic response no later than 4:00 pm, Alaska Prevailing Time, January 25th, 2021, to the attention of:

    Kristie Ely

    Procurement Officer


    E-mail:  kristie.ely@alaska.gov 


    BIDDERS/OFFERORS WITH DISABILITIES: The State of Alaska complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a Letter of Interest should contact the Procurement Officer named above, no later than January 25th, 2021.

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