Because news regarding corona(virus) is moving so quickly it's easier to make one large post with the latest news.
A new confirmed case in Ketchikan has occurred which brings the overall total to 14, however, 10 people have recovered and are no longer being monitored. Technically speaking there are only 4 active cases with 48 pending.
Metlakatla bans visitors, requires returning residents to quarantine for two weeks
KRBDMetlakatla has closed itself to visitors and implemented other restrictions to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Metlakatla Indian Community Mayor Reginald Atkinson told KRBD the tribal council implemented a series of mandates last week aimed at preventing an outbreak in the state’s only Indian reserve.
“Metlakatla is blessed to be located on Annette Island. Our Community, as of this date, does not yet have any confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 infection. But as with all rural communities, Metlakatla’s human and financial resources are limited, ” Atkinson said, reading from a prepared statement.
One mandate bans visitors to the community.
Residents are still allowed to return to Metlakatla, but they’ll be required to self-quarantine at home for 14 days upon arrival. That includes travel from Ketchikan, which has more than a dozen confirmed COVID-19 cases.
Alaska announces closure of bear hunts statewide
(JUNEAU) — For the safety of Alaska’s communities, and especially individuals most vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus, Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Doug Vincent-Lang has directed the Division of Wildlife Conservation to close all black and brown bear hunts statewide for both resident and nonresident hunters, effective now through May 31. This decision will be reevaluated as necessary. All subsistence bear hunts will remain open as a way for residents to have an opportunity to fill freezers and provide for families.The Department of Fish and Game will work with the Board of Game to identify future options for hunters who are planning to come to Alaska this spring, or for residents who have already made arrangements, but will be unable to hunt as planned. Expect to hear more from the department in the near future, and please be patient with the department as they identify ways to minimize the impacts of this decision.
Alaska’s wild resources are of vital importance to many throughout the state, and we will make sure opportunities to safely, responsibly and sustainably harvest these resources continue.
AMHS Vessels Delayed
Governor Extends COVID-19 Health Mandate 002, 003
April 1, 2020 (Anchorage, AK) – Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy, with the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) today issued an extension to the State of Alaska’s COVID-19 Health Mandate 002 on State Libraries, Archives, Museums and Residential Schools and COVID-19 Health Mandate 003 on Statewide Closure Restaurants, Bars, Entertainment.
Mandate 002 and Mandate 003 are in effect until rescinded.
The Governor’s COVID-19 Health Mandates can be found here.
Klawock City Council Approves Emergency Ordinances
From the Mayor:Thank you council for approving the emergency ordinances. These ordinances are in effect as of 12am April 1st.
They will be reviewed in 60 days for possible extension. Please read and share. Thank you and good morning. Mayor Nickerson

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