This is a follow up to a story reported earlier titled, "Low-Life Scum Drilling Gas Tanks and Stealing Fuel at the Klawock, Airport"
From a recent Trooper Report:
Location: Klawock
Type: Theft/Criminal Mischief
Dispatch Text:
On September 23, 2019, arrest warrants were issued for 23 year old Drakkar Smith, of Klawock, in regards to this incident. Drakkar was remanded to the Craig Jail the same day for five counts of Criminal Mischief III, one count of Theft II, one count of Theft III, and one count of Theft IV. Bail was set at $5,500.00. Investigation into the case is still ongoing.
On September 15, 2019, the Alaska State Troopers on Prince of Wales island received multiple reports of persons having their gas tanks drilled out and items stolen from their vehicles at Island Air Express. Over the past week, multiple search warrants have been executed and some of the stolen items have been recovered. The case is still under investigation and a suspect has been identified. Anyone with potential information in regards to this case please contact the Alaska State Troopers at 907-225-5118.
Picture of Drakkar Smith from Facebook:
In a happy turn of events on the stolen vehicle light bar it has been returned:
My light bar was handed back to me today! Thank you Troopers for catching the thief! Also, a big thanks to the people who kept an eye out. They still have not located the chainsaw and wench that was also stolen off other vehicles. If you see anyone with a new one, report to the Troopers.
And Ann adds:
I was happy cody got his light bar back from the troopers today, and thank you island air for having cameras up so the thief, Drakkar Smith, caught stealing it and the gas from his truck along w many others. I am also appreciative of all the texts and calls from folks that helped lead to the search warrants and arrest of this guy...we do not need anyone like this on our island, and it does take everyone to step forward and report what they know or see to the authorities, regardless of them being related to you or not. One bad apple spoils the whole bunch. Time we take back our island.
Read More: Interview with Don Nickerson for Klawock Mayor
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