Don Nickerson Files to Run for Klawock Mayor - P.O.W. Report

Monday, September 16, 2019

Don Nickerson Files to Run for Klawock Mayor

Greetings Klawock Residents. My name is Don Nickerson Jr and I am announcing my candidacy for Klawock Mayor. I humbly request your support in this year’s upcoming City Election October 1st, 2019.

I am a lifetime resident of Klawock and I would like to tell you about myself:`

-I am married to my wife Trina for 20 years and we have two adult children Heather and Josh. I definitely have support and I say this because support and stability is important to fulfill the position as Mayor.

-Served as a City Council Member for 12 years.

-Served as a Tribal Council Member for 18 years.

-Volunteer Fireman for 23 years and currently the Fire Chief for Klawock.

-Currently a Klawock Heenya Board member and Vice President.

-SEARHC has been my employer for the last 17 years and I am currently the maintenance supervisor for all SEARHC Facilities on Prince of Wales Island.

Why am I running for Mayor of Klawock?:

1) To ensure the Health and Welfare for all members for the Community of Klawock

2) Klawock is the “HUB” as I say for Prince of Wales Island. There is a lot of opportunity here for development to meet the needs as a FIRST CLASS CITY!! It is time to make things happen!! There are many entities here in Klawock and it is key to work together with the support of the City Council and Mayor to accomplish development thru networking with all entities.

I will be campaigning and will definitely have a lot of information to share with all members of Klawock. Klawock is a First Class City and it is time to move forward in a timely manner.

Please contact me if you have questions or want to share your concerns, my cell number is (907)401-1777. I will represent you to my fullest capacity. Klawock will be my priority and all residents of this great community are represented by the City Council and I will definitely ensure we conduct business to move forward as a First Class City. I humbly request your support and vote!! Thank you for your support.



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