Dennis WatsonTim O'Connor
City Council
Barbara StanleyDavid Creighton
Craig Peterson
Julie McDonald
Chanel McKinley
Patrick Tyner
School Board
Buck BazinetCody Schwegel
Beverlee Tyner
Melissa Brooks
Marla Dillman
Matt Dinon
Daniel Nelson
Bios of the Candidates:
Dennis Watson
Dennis is 64 years old and is a 43 year resident of Craig. He has a daughter and a grandson.
Commercial salmon fisherman for 43 years.
Currently General Manager of the Inter-Island Ferry Authority.
Civic experience:
Currently Mayor of the City of Craig.
Served 3 terms on the Craig City Council.
Membership in civic and professional organizations:
Member of the Alaska Municipal League (AML), served on the AML Executive Committee.
Member of Alaska Statewide Conference of Mayor's and past President.
Current First Vice President of Southeast Conference Board of Directors and will be President of the Board next year.
Member of the Southeast Conference of Mayors and past President.
Served on the Alaska Trollers Association Board of Directors for 8 years
Tim O'Connor
Tim lived in Craig for 15 years and is 63 years old. He was a logger and commercial fisherman and still continues falling timber and commercial fishing, He is an EMT 1 and Fire Chief in Craig currently.
In the past, he was a "Falling Supervisor" for 16 years with Erickson Air Crane and Columbia Helicopters as well as a falling contractor for 6 years.
Tim is starting a yogurt and ice cream shop with Virginia Lawnicki in Craig.
City Council
[Editor: POW Report attempted to reach out to the following candidates but did not receive a response before publishing. If you would like to submit a picture and a bio please do so before October 1st]
David Creighton
Craig Peterson
Patrick Tyner
Julie McDonald
Julie McDonald is a Christian pharmacist, wife, and mother of three small children.
She moved to Craig with her husband Kevin in 2010 out of a desire to be a part of a small town community and joined the caring team at Whale Tail Pharmacy. In May of 2015, the McDonalds purchased the pharmacy from the Altland family and have diligently sought to carry on their service ministry mainly in the local community but also abroad by helping found the Gulu Children of Mercy Home in Uganda.
Shortly after moving to POW, the McDonalds joined New Hope Baptist Church. Julie has served in the children's and women's ministries leading Bible studies, helping with VBS, Christmas pageants, ladies nights, and outreach to women going through infertility and child loss. Kevin serves as the church treasurer, participates in the radio ministry, and dedicated himself in many other leadership roles in the church.
In addition, Dr. McDonald has been actively involved with the POW Health Network since her first week on the island. She has served by providing immunizations, blood pressure screenings, and volunteering at health fairs. Furthermore, she is a part of the recently formed POW Opioid Task Force and has also volunteered with HOPE.
In the pharmacy profession, Julie served for seven years on the Board of Directors for Christian Pharmacist Fellowship International (CPFI) while also founding then leading the National Student Council. Dr. McDonald spent three years on the Board of Directors for the Alaska Pharmacists Association (AKPhA) and was nominated as Interim President. Julie was asked to present on women's health at a United Nations workshop in NYC and has mentored sixteen pharmacy students at Whale Tail Pharmacy as part of their final year of schooling. Dr. McDonald has participated in many medical mission trips to Fairbanks, Brazil, and northern Uganda.
Beyond her profession, Julie is also deeply committed to children. Since 2011 she has volunteered as the gymnastic coach for the City of Craig. Last year Julie volunteered over 60 hours with the Craig Head Start Program. Julie and Kevin have kept children in their home when medical emergencies and other needs arise.
Kevin is also thoroughly involved with the Craig community. He has served with the Craig Volunteer Fire Department since 2011 and as Lieutenant starting in 2015. Kevin has helped numerous residents through his business SE Alaska Tax Services and served on the city's Planning Commission since 2013.
Julie was approached by two current Craig City Council members and asked to consider running for the council. After prayer and careful consideration, Julie decided to run in an effort to further serve the community her family loves.
Chanel McKinley

I have gone to school here, ran my dads business for 10 years, worked at the Craig Moose Lodge and have been subbing at the Craig Schools for the last 3 years.
In other words, I have great skills at listening to people's ideas/problems and have an open mind about new and old ways of solving situations.
I know that your vote counts, so please come out and vote on Oct 3rd!
School Board
[Editor: POW Report attempted to reach out to the following candidates but did not receive a response before publishing. If you would like to submit a picture and a bio please do so before October 1st]
Buck Bazinet
Beverlee Tyner
Melissa Brooks
Marla Dillman
Daniel Nelson
Cody Schwegel

I am married to Kathryn Schwegel and we have two children in the School District. I have been a resident of Craig Alaska for 23 years.
My qualifications include: 10 years of employment at Alaska Power & Telephone. I have been a trustee for Alaska Power and Telephone ESOP Board for the last two years. I have been the Pastor of Anchor Baptist Church for the last two years. In my youth, I was involved with and helped administrate many community programs including: MADD Youth in Action, The Methamphetamine Prevention Coalition, Craig Youth Center, and Youth Adult Coalition for the Advancement of the 40 Developmental Assets.
The reason I am running for a seat on the school board is because I feel the board needs to have more relevant people that better represent the residents and parents of Craig.
The foundation our students get in our school system will be with them for the rest of their lives.
The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow!
I feel I would be a solid fit on the school board because I bring an excellent “hands on” vocational perspective. Over the past few years the school district has scaled back on its hands on vocational teaching (shop classes) and these programs are more relevant than ever in today’s changing economic environment.
I would appreciate it if the residents of Craig would vote in October to give me the chance to bring new, grounded ideas and a fresh vision to the Craig City School District!
[Cody First Submitted his Bio in August]
Matt Dinon

I have waited to run anticipating the responsibilities of the position to be time consuming (requiring studying, reading, communicating, learning and accountability) and I now have the time and am ready to meet the challenge!
I have served as a director on two boards in the past; the Southeast Regional Emergency Medical Services and Nushagak Telephone Cooperative.
I am Board Certified in Family Medicine having practiced almost entirely in remote Alaska. From 1994-1996 I worked as the only physician on POW and here again for the last 14 years. I have volunteered for medical service in the Special Olympics program, spent a year at our USA research facility at the Palmer Station in Antarctica and currently, I am working part-time with Veterans from all parts of Alaska. I am a Veteran as well.
I believe that school district issues are paramount to the success our children, parents, staff and arguably the entire community. Evidenced by the meetings, minutes, conversations, social media and publications, it is clear that our community is very interested, concerned, supportive and active in all aspects of the schools. Not just the curriculum. I am ready and looking forward to dealing with these issues from the perspective of a school board member.
Financial and planning issues alone seem at times the most challenging tasks confronting the school board. I have some experience with these issues having run a medical practice with Mary as a Medical Director of a large medical clinic and have participated in the finances and planning of large medical practices.
I believe that our schools should offer students a variety of educational tracts after providing a necessary base of solid basic skills and knowledge. I want our smaller size school to individualize education as much as possible. I want our schools to teach practical skills and knowledge in order that students function successfully and independently in any community. I want our students and staff to feel respected, supported and emerge as confident prepared and civil citizens.
Lastly, I look forward to your vote!
Please contact me with any questions, 826-3737
Thank you so much and please vote on October 3, 2017!
Sample Ballot:
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