Recreational and Commercial Fishing of King Salmon To be Shut Down August 10, 2017! - P.O.W. Report

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Recreational and Commercial Fishing of King Salmon To be Shut Down August 10, 2017!

ADF&G Announces Non-retention of Chinook Salmon for Commercial and Recreational Fisheries Throughout Southeast Alaska

August 7, 2017, JUNEAU — Due to poor ocean survival conditions for Chinook (king) salmon, which are persisting in Southeast Alaska and British Columbia, extreme management measures are necessary to restrict harvests in coast wide fisheries that are directed at stocks originating in Southeast Alaska, Northern British Columbia, the Fraser River, and the Washington Coast.

In season information from ADF&G, the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans, and NOAA surveys off the coast of Oregon, Washington, and the Gulf of Alaska all indicate that poor production conditions are currently occurring and will persist through at least 2018. In particular, Southeast Alaska and British Columbia stocks are experiencing historically low production; many of the affected stocks will not meet escapement goals or management objectives in 2017.

The in season data and stock specific information cannot be ignored when conservation of wild stocks is the foundation of the Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fisheries Policy and the Pacific Salmon Treaty. Therefore, it is imperative that Alaska offer relief now for these stocks, with a focus on protecting future production.

Although it is a very difficult decision to make, retention of Chinook salmon will cease at 12:01am, Thursday, August 10, 2017, in the Southeast Alaska recreational and commercial fisheries and non-retention will continue through September. Information on the status of stocks is still being collected and will inform management decisions beyond the September time frame. [Source]

CONTACT: Charles O. Swanton, Deputy Commissioner, (907) 465-4115

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