The Event is August 19th from 11am to 4:30pm
[From the Hollis Volunteer Fire Department:]
The Hollis Volunteer Fire Department FUNdraiser destination event is an afternoon full of activities for the whole family to enjoy. The kids play in the Kids Corner while others explore our Farmers Market and Vendor Booths, enjoy music and art, find great deals at the biggest darn Yard Sale west oft he Mississippi, place bids at the Silent Auction and grab a bite to eat at the Firemen’s Hot Dog Grill! Of course we will be conducting our big raffle, which has always been a mainstay for our fundraising. Over the next two months tickets will be available to purchase all over the island as well as throughout the day at the event.
The goals of this event are two-fold:
1st provide a family friendly destination event that promotes community and allows all to simply enjoy themselves.
2nd fund carefully identified and selected training and resources to provide a sustainable small community emergency response program.
Here is a link to last year's event photographs!
Sign up for a Farmer's Market, Vendor or Art Booth at [this link]

You can win in more ways than one at our FUNday FUNdraiser! Consider entering our 2nd Annual Hollis Fire Department Chili “Cook off” and Chili Feed, with a new addition, a Cornbread contest! Here are links to the applications – who knows, you may win this year’s “Golden Ladle” or “Golden Spatula” for the best chili or cornbread on the island!
Chili Contest:
Cornbread Contest:
What will happen with the funds we raise this year?
Last year we raised $4000.00 and the funds were targeted to train a new crew of Emergency Trauma Technicians. This year we hope to triple those funds. We have the energy and we have a goal to properly thank and support our growing volunteer force as they are there for us in our times of need.The funds we raise in 2017 will go for much needed updated training, and carefully selected equipment and supplies based upon identified needs. Our goal is to have an emergency response program that is sustainable, properly trained and properly equipped to be there for our community.
We are also partnering with our Hollis School to provide first aide training to all students and responder training to older students to “grow our own” volunteers. The funds we raise thanks to everyones generosity will go a long way in supporting these efforts!
Read More: Open Enrollment for K4/K5 Christian Academy School
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