Alaska Commercial Co. Thompson House will feature foods and refreshments, and organic & gluten free healthy alternatives, and coffee for all participates and volunteers.
Recent sign-ups beyond this attached list includes: The Prince of Wales Salty Derby Dolls, Strictly Local Gallery, Legal Services, Christopher Comstock-12K Independent Brand Promoter at Le-Vel, Community Connections, Strictly Local Gallery, Prevention & Awareness of Meningitis with Mandy Hulstine, and Pat Chapman with Education and Materials on Brain Injuries Prevention and Awareness.
Thank you so much to everyone who is willing to volunteer and the Klawock School District for lending us the use of your facility, City of Craig tables and chairs, TSS labs, and Wellness Coalition for chairs!

Other Vendors:
Beverly Rivard, Creating Counseling That Makes You Strong.Leah Russel-Casson, Young Living E.O.'s: Oils available.
Alexandra Peterson, of APMP will feature smoothies and literature. Her business specializes in organic whole foods and fitness accountability [Her FB Page].
Christy Plate with "The Thorne Bakery," Island Fresh will have handmade Bread, Cinnamon Bread, Rolls, Cinnamon Rolls, Hoagie rolls, Monster Cookies and Tortillas. All proceeds from their sale will go towards student activities.
Cathy Klinkert, of "the Edge of the Woods" will feature jewelry and jewelry sand-painting.
Alaska Commercial Co. Thompson House will feature foods and refreshments, organic & gluten free healthy alternatives, and coffee.
Janai Meyer, RDN LD IBCLC, a Registered Dietitian & Lactation Consultant will be offering early bird pressure gauge testing, mini veggie gardening starter kits, as well as local and traditional foods tips.
Dr. Michael A. Melendrez, of "Melendrez Chiropractic Clinic" will do spinal screening and patient education
Jeri Rosenthal, "The Art Center for Prince of Wales Island" will feature pottery & art demonstrations and activities for both youths and adults [FB Page]
James David Sneed, will be featuring supplies of seeds, plants, and educational tips on gardening.
Melissa Matecki and Cyndi Reeves, of "Good Food Group" will feature fermenting and healthy food preparation.
Melissa and Ron Matecki, of "Coastal Real Estate" on Prince of Wales will feature homes in the area. [Website]
Colter Barnes and S.E. Island Schools, Island Fresh Students will have a vegetable & salad produce sale, canned goods, and baby chickens and ducklings as well.
Ann James, "Prince of Wales Running and Walking Club" and "the Wellness Coalition" will feature a Wellness Walk/Run. Registration is at 9:30AM and the 5K begins at 10AM. There will also be an exhibit on upcoming activities including the Island Marathon.
Andy West, Cyndi Reeves, Trampus Conatser, and Bonnie Morris from the "Prince of Wales Wellness Coalition" will feature the Coalition implementations in Hydaburg, Klawock, Craig, Thorne Bay, Kasaan, and Nautaki. [Facebook]
June May, representing "Alicia Roberts Medical Center" will discuss "Portion Distortion" and have other activities.
Tiffany Mills and Tammy England, of "HOPE" will feature games, activities, and educational resources on prevention of domestic violence.
Arika Paquette- "Women in Safe Homes" "WISH" will provide information on their Prince of Wales Girls on Run-Greater Alaska program as well as other support resources.
Lisa Cates and S.E. Island School District Hollis Students, will have a spin the wheel game and a hula hoop competition for the youth.
Tammi Meissner, Health Educator for "SEARHC" will feature Tobacco & Cancer prevention through traditional and local foods and cancer awareness screening with fun interactive games for youth.
Mischa Chernick and Shannon Siverthorn, "PeaceHealth" will offer healthcare services and options available including certain specialties and women's health.
Colleen Watson, Kara McCory, and Stacey Mank from "Public Health" will have 3 exhibits on food sustainability in uncertain times; "Keep Calm and Garden On!" and the "Healthy Benefits of Gardening." Plus an Awareness of what Public Health offers on the island and encouraging early prevention and early detection. There will be an opportunity for participants to see their individual vaccination status and providers will be giving out PCV13 to those who are eligible for them.
Forest Anderson, BH "SEARHC" will be providing a "resiliency and bouncing back" activity for youth and a Mini-bowling game.
Anna Trudeau, "Alicia Roberts Medical Center" will have WISE Woman Health.
Kristina Safford, "Alicia Roberts Medical Center Dental" will feature the pros and cons of drink choices and oral health.
Steve Stumpf and Jim See, will have sign-ups for a new Archery Program for youth on the Island.

Heidi Young, "Island Care Services" will discuss care coordination and outreach.
Read More: Alaska Minimum Wage to Increase to $9.80
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