A Drink with Arturo Martini (Arkose High Ridge Double Ale Beer Review) - P.O.W. Report

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


A Drink with Arturo Martini (Arkose High Ridge Double Ale Beer Review)


Arkose Brewery is a new micro-brewery that opened up in Palmer, Alaska and they have four Flagship beers that come in 22 ounce bottles: Bitter Earth ESB, No. 5 Boxcar Porter, Steed Rye IPA, and the High Ridge Double Red [Alc. 6.8%].

What is a Red Ale?

A red ale, is rather difficult to describe and can be read in full detail here but essentially it's a balanced type beer that covers anything between an amber and below a "Dark Ale". Typically a Red Ale has reddish hues that focuses on the 'malts' instead of the hops.

The Review

Now, I had this beer chilled, it wasn't refrigerator cold and it wasn't room temperature warm I would probably peg it around 40-50 degrees. Why does that matter? There is a whole science between warm and cold beer and a mythos has developed that beer 'must be cold.' I fall into the camp that shit beer should be as cold as possible to mask the awfulness of what you are consuming and that quality beers and darker ales should be enjoyed at warmer temperatures--yes room temperature beer isn't as bad as you may think (depending on the beer). In this case, the Arkose Double Ale should be served slightly chilled and per my review can be enjoyed anywhere between 40-55 degrees.

"It's sweet" is the first reaction that I had followed by "this is surprisingly bubbly." I absolutely love bubbly beer as it enhances the different flavors in the beer and makes the beer drinking experience more pleasurable. Some may roll their eyes to this, but the bubbles and the head are important to the flavor of beer.

If you've never had beer before, you would really enjoy this as your virgin cherry beer and if you are eating a steak dinner [a real steak], this beer would go damn well. It has the perfect mix of sweet and crispness.

I've been sipping on this beer for about 15 minutes now and I couldn't shake off the feeling that i've had a beer that shared many similarities with this one and it finally hit me, it reminds me of Silver Gulch's Oscolum Infame (Kiss of Shame) which is single handedly the best beer i've ever had.

Score: 8/10 Martini's

If you would like me to review a beer, liquor, or a cocktail please email: powreport@gmail.com with the headline "A Drink with Arturo Martini"

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